Tuesday, January 6, 2009


I get the feeling that Emily has stagefright, and is shy about having a seizure here. She has been off her Kepra for 2 days now, and has not had an "event". The Doctors think she looks a lot better now, and I agree. She is about to go for one last MRI, and if nothing comes back abnormal (besides the usual abnormal mind she has always had) they will release her. They are going to put her back on Keppra again to prevent future seizures... I can't help but think she is going to have one just after they cut her loose. They took off the EEG leads, and she has a lot of work to do getting all the glue out of her hair. She actually allowed me to take this picture full-well knowing it was going to end up here on my blog. Em is in good spirits, and though it will be a few weeks or more until recovery, she will be fine. Thank you all for caring, calling, texting, praying for, or just thinking of us.... It will (without a doubt) be a Christmas vacation to remember forever.


Anonymous said...

I love that hair on her! That reminds me of all the surgeries I've had to have on my head. Looks a lot like me! :-D Tell her hi for me and she looks great!

Tara said...

I'm glad she's in such great spirits! We're still praying and please let us know if you need anything at all!

Amanda said...

I'm glad she's in great spirits! I am thinking of you guys often and am praying for you!

Sammy said...

Emily you're so awesome for letting Branch document all these hilarious pictures. I hope all goes well with the MRI. Branch you'll have to keep us all posted even when you're back down here.

Maranda said...

I am glad that Emily is feeling better. We will keep you in our thoughts. Take care