Sunday, January 4, 2009

Change of Plans...

So this morning the doctors came by for rounds as usual, and the plan for Emily was changed a bit. As I had said in the last blog, Emily is on twice the Kepra (anti-seizure medication) as she was before this round started, but they were looking for seizure activity on her EEG. This morning the docs said that they were going to cut her Kepra by half so she could have a seizure or two. They ran this by the epileptologist (a neurologist who specializes in seizures) who told them that it was a stupid idea, and they should just take her off Kepra completely so she will just have one. Unfortunately, she had already taken 1000 mg of Kepra just before rounds, so she may not have one until tomorrow. If they catch a seizure on the EEG, they will be able to see where they are starting. Then they can do a focused MRI on that area of the brain to see if there is a problem. They were looking at her getting out of here tomorrow, but now it is looking more like Tues. or Wed. I would put up another pic, but nothing much has changed since the last one. Thanks for following our story, I will keep you all updated!


Jay & Heather said...

Boy, you guys have been through the ringer! We still have you and Em in our prayers! Kerri says to say that your family is in their prayers too. Good luck! Jay and Heather, Kerri and Chris.

lesann said...

branch! goodness sake dear! please let me know if there is anything i can do! you are still in my prayers as well and was the focus of my fast today!

Nicole & Adam said...

I hate to hear all of this! I'll keep you all in my thoughts! Please send my love to Emily!!! Take care!
Nicole (from UTSW)

Krystle Ricks said...

Hey Branch... Barry and I are heading up to Utah on Wednesday... could you email me your phone number? We'd really REALLY like to visit! My email is
Thanks! And good luck with everything... I just can't believe this whole ordeal! We will keep you in our prayers!

Unknown said...


We just heard and can't believe what a Christmas/New Year's you both have had... not to mention Maya! You are all in our prayers! Keep us updated and tell Emily that we want her to get better so that she can come back to Texas!!! Branch, if you need anything, will you PLEASE call me? If you do come back to Texas w/o your ladies, you can always come spend some time w/ your cousins if you get lonely or if you need ANYTHING!!! We love you all!!!

Shandi & Family