Emily is doing better now, but not completely out of the woods. She had been on sedation (basically a medically induced coma) for 2 days, but this morning we got good news. The EEG showed no signs of seizure, and Em was doing almost all the breathing on her own (the ventilator was only kicking in when she took a breath). The doctors decided that they would cut her sedation medication by half and we would see how she does. Right after the nurses left the room, Emily pulled a gumby-like move and pulled out her breathing/feeding tubes. They are a little concerned that she may have damaged her throat by pulling the balloon through, but they haven't done a swallowing test yet. They have turned her sedation meds off completely now, and Emily is talking (through a raspy voice). She was a little confused and upset that she lost a couple of days, but things are looking up. Thank you all for your prayers and for keeping our family in your thoughts... It means more to me than you vould ever know. She is likely to be angry at me later for the pictures, but I wanted to show the improvement. -Branch
It is amazing...sometimes even the oldest of grandma's and grandpa's can turn into Gumby when they want to! Glad to hear of the improvement!
Jay and Heather
Oh my heavens, I just found out! My heart goes out to you and Maya and your family. I hope things continue to get better soon! We will be thinking and praying for y'all!
Oh Guys! I am bawling my eyes out. Please know how much you are loved and being watched over. Branch, I just sent you an email . . .
Hi Branch, we just wanted to let you know that we're thinking of you and fasting for your family tomorrow. You're in our prayers.
Oh she better not be mad at you for posting those pictures! I am soooooooooooo grateful to see the improvement! I've been thinking about her ALL DAY! I just read your last post yesterday... my goodness. Will you let her know that she has been in mine and the Kramer family prayers? I wanted to call but I only have her phone number, not yours. I'm sorry. Please keep us posted! I love you guys.
Thanks for the update! Your family is in our prayers!
We have been thinking about you guys all day. Emily is in good hands to have such a caring husband and good medical treatment and the prayers of many many friends and family. Please keep us posted- and you are in our prayers.
Chrissy and Dave Oliveros
We're praying for you guys and hope that all is going as well as possible. We're also glad that you are near family during this hard time. Poor Mommy :(
Hey Branch, just wanted to let you know that we are also thinking and praying for your family. I think much of the ward is! We will continue to keep you all in our prayers.
-The Skidmores
She's in our prayers. Thanks for the updates.
Hey Branch, this is Kelly (Hunter) Green. I just heard from my dad about Emily. I just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you and praying for you guys. Do the doctors know what it is yet? From your post it does sound a lot like meningitis. Please let me know if you guys need anything. You can email me @ pbandk@hotmail.com.
We have been fasting and praying for you. I'm so glad to hear things are looking up. Thanks for keeping us posted.
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