It's been a great couple of weeks since I sat down to post, and a lot has happened here at our house. Starting with school; I just took my first test in lower-extremity prosthetics, and I think I did ok. I found it nearly impossible to study, because I couldn't concentrate. No worries, cause I was eventually able to beat the information into my brain. I have been riding my bike everywhere lately... actually, I don't think I shared my health "news", and I think you all need background information before I get into biking. About a month ago, I had to go to student health to obtain a prescription for a new pair of AFOs (Ankle-foot orthoses... they are the braces I wear on my legs). While at student health, the doctor decided to check on my blood pressure. It was determined that my BP was "elevated"... 140/96 sounds like "high" to me, but she said it was only "elevated". Cue health/diet/exercise counsel from the doctor. I listened and decided to do something about it. For a week or two I scoured Craigslist until I found a bike for $40 (that was the predetermined limit). It is nearly brand new because it was bought for a 15 year old who didn't think bikes were "cool". I used to ride my bike everywhere when I was younger, then I got a drivers licence. Though the first few days were rough, I kept at it. I re-discovered my love for biking, and in a few weeks I was able to bring my BP down to 124/82. I ride to school a few days a week (about 7 miles each way), and I have started to lose weight.
I had an awesome break from school last weekend. Due to my not having clinic hours this semester, and our prosthetics instructor taking a few days off, I was off from Wednesday at noon until tomorrow morning. It was fantastic. Saturday was the Smithsonian Magazine free museum day, so we went to the 6th floor museum. For those who don't know what that is, across from the grassy knoll, The 6th Floor Museum is on the floor from which Lee Harvey Oswald (allegedly) shot President Kennedy. I have to say allegedly because I have my doubts... its all a conspiracy man, there's a 3rd shooter and a magic bullet (supposed to be read in the voice of a drugged-out hippy). I am just kidding. Anyhoo, it was really interesting to learn so much about Kennedy, and I recommend it. Though free to us, it would have been worth paying the $13.
Today Himaya made another growth landmark. A few months ago, she rolled over from her front to her back, and we even caught it on video. She now is a front-to-back ninja, but has never been able to roll from her back to her front. Lately we have noticed that she was coming closer and closer to rolling back-to-front and today she finally pulled it off. What's more, Emily caught it on video. so without further ado, I give you the rollover. Thanks for reading! -Branch
That's awesome that you are biking! So is Mark and he is loving it! Good job!
um, to make you feel better, when I was at the hospital when I had Emma my bp was 193/123. Now, you would think that I would be motivated to exercise!!
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