The good pictures this week come from our hour and a half at Dallas-Fort Worth Airport last Thursday. My little (but bigger than me) brother finally got his visa, and was on his way to Mexico.

Speaking of Himaya, we have finally been attempting to sleep-train her. It was difficult because she had such bad colic. Until a little ove a month ago, she would cry for hours at night (while we held, rocked, carrried and cradled her); so by the time she finally fell asleep, she was so exhausted that she wouldn't wake up when we put her in her crib. Now, she wakes up when we put her in bed, and we knew it was time for her to learn that night time is for sleeping and that her crib is a place for her to be asleep. We researched different methods, and have been consistant. Now she is getting better, and she has been falling asleep faster and not just laying there and crying. Last night, she started laying there and cooing... just talking to herself. It is super cute, so we decided to try to get a vidoe of it. We had to sneak up to the crib, and cover the red light on the camera to get the video. You can't see anything, but if you mute the music player on my blog, and turn up your speakers, you can hear her.....super cute! Thanks for stopping by.
Oh, I love those sweet little baby noises. Lily does that sometimes too when she's trying to fall asleep (mainly when she's in the car) and we call it her "death rattle" because when you hear that, you know she's about to zonk out.
Oh, come now! Regan is just taller than you. :op
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