It's been a great week. I have been back in school, and it is looking like it is going to be a great semester. Last night, we had a lot of fun with some friends from church.

We enjoyed a perk to living in a bigger city, and went to a baseball game. We got to see the Red Sox play the Rangers. It was a really fun night, especially since I come from a family of huge Sox fans. Our plan was to show up when the gates open, and watch batting practice. This was in the hopes that I could get some of the players to sign the baseballs I brought to the game. So I stood right at the 3rd base dugout along the rail for about an hour and a half. It ended with me and the HUNDREDS of other fans wanting an autograph walking to our seats in disapointment.

Honestly... without fans, the teams couldn't pay the players' salary. In 90 some-odd minutes of waiting, one player (J.D. Drew) signed 2 baseballs and tossed them into the crowd. I am pretty much over it now though... I still had a great time. Emily feels that it should be in the contract of every player that they should spend 5 minutes before the game signing autographs. If all those players signed for a few minutes, they would have gotten to about every fan that wanted something.
Ok... enough about that, lets move on to today. Emily and I had decided that 5 months was a good time to stat Himaya on some real food. She has been fascinated every time she sees us eat or drink something. Emily has been warming her up to it, by giving her a little milk on a spoon, and letting her play with the spoon a bit. We went to the store and got her a high chair, and a walker (I swear... she almost has more furniture than we do). She has spent some time playing in her high chair to get used to being there. So tonight for dinner, she had some rice cereal. Of course, I woudln't keep the video to myself (and it shouldn't be too shaky, as I balanced the camera on a stool). Enjoy, and thanks for stopping by.
YAY! A couple more days and she'll be an old pro ;)
I was talking with some ladies in the ward and we all agreed that we were a little sad the first time we feed them solids because it is such a concrete proof that they are growing up! It is a good thing though! LOVE YOU!
Wow! She reacted a lot better than Lily. That's awesome. It gives me hope that maybe Lily won't have to eat only milk for the rest of her life!
Interesting to know.
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