I have been wanting to write this blog for the last few days, but have been waiting for an appropriate video to post with it. Here's the story: for the last week or so, every time we put Himaya on her tummy she has been pushing with her arms and legs, and it looks like she's about to turn over. So for over a week now, we have been turning on the video camera every time we put her on her tummy. Saturday night, I was cooking dinner and Emily put Himaya on her tummy and was heading into the other room. As Em was turning the corner to leave the room she looked back just as Himaya rolled over onto her back. Emily was very excited, but of course this happened THE ONLY FREAKIN' TIME WE DIDN'T HAVE THE CAMERA ON!!! So we spent the rest of the evening, a lot of Sunday and some of Monday with the camera on her while she was on her tummy...just waiting for her to repeat her roll. She finally did it again today, and we got it on camera. So without further ado, I give you Himaya - the roller.
Yeah! Our daughter is so awesome! She got that from you, you know!
YEAH!!! THAT first roll is always the most exciting!!! I'm glad you guys got it on film! We have hours of Grayson just laying on his tummy too... just waiting. haha! Awww... parenthood. Ya gotta love it!
That's awesome! Lily actually rolled over for the first time last night! We didn't actually witness it, but we put her on her back to sleep and a few minutes later we heard SCREAMING and we went in there and she was on her tummy, and she HATES being on her tummy. It was pretty funny, though, because she was thinking "what did I do to myself!?" Good job you getting one on film, though.
Awww! This is a precious video, Branch! Thanks for sharing! :)
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