Once again I feel compelled to begin a blog with an apology. I constantly promise to write once a week, but I consistently put it off. School continues to be fun and interesting, though I have no stories to share about class this time.
Emily is doing great, and just had another birthday (making her 26 now). Little side note... Emily and I have now known each other for about half our lives, crazy. We had some fun last weekend, and went with some friends to see WALL·E at a drive-in theater south of Dallas. We also stayed for the second movie, the new Narnia.
It was a lot of fun.
Today, we all went to a 4th of July get together with friends from church. After eating breakfast, we walked a few blocks and watched a parade. We all had a good time, and Himaya was pretty calm. I was worried that the fire trucks would scare her; but since she was in the process of getting her diaper changed, she was already crying. We are excited to take Maya to see fireworks for the first time… hope that goes well.
All in all, it’s been a great 10 days since I last posted, and I don’t have too much more to share. Thanks again for stopping by to read about our little family.
Branch, Emily and Himaya
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