Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Promises Promises...

I know it has been 16 days since my last blog... I have been reminded many times that I need to update. I will, I promise. I find that the #1 thing that holds me back is a lack of handy new pictures/video of Himaya. #2 on the list is my forgetful nature, followed closely by my being busy with school. I do have a mid-term on Thursday that I will be studying most of tomorrow for, but if I reach a comfort-feeling (as far as the test material goes) I will blog tomorrow. Otherwise I will do a better-than-average job of it on Thursday after I get home. Either way, I promise to get one out there. Hope to have you back to read up on new developments!


1 comment:

Tara said...

We love the updates, but we know you're busy, (probably busier than you ever imagined you could possibly be--and more tired, too!), so you shouldn't feel bad.

GL on that exam--I didn't realize it was a mid-term or I probably would have been more supportive of Allan's pleas to study.