Man... It seems like Maya is growing up too fast. I had always heard that from people, but I thought it was one of those things people just say when they look back. Here are the most recent developments. Last week Em wanted to make some brownies, but Maya doesn't always do well on the kitchen floor, plus her walker is just too big to fit in the kitchen. So (as we sometimes must) Em put her in her walker, and gave her toys while she ran in the kitchen to get the brownies going. This is about a 4 minute process, as they came out of a box. As usual, Maya started crying the second Em left the room. She was hurrying to get them in the oven, but as she was working she suddenly heard Maya getting closer to the kitchen door. This walker does move quite nicely across hard floors, but it hardly moves on the carpet, so when she heard the cries getting closer, Em was excited that Maya might just be pushing that thing across the room. Then Maya came crawling around the corner into the kitchen. That little stinker got out somehow, and we couldn't figure out how. Em's mom suggested that she might have pulled one foot up, and then gone down through the leg hole, but it is way too small. We watched her everyday, and gave her chances to repeat her Houdini act, but she didn't do it until earlier today. It would appear she pulls a foot all the way up ad out, then leans over the side. When she was trying, Em grabbed her phone to get a video. For any concerned, Em had ahold of her foot under the walker...we are not in the habit of letting her fall on her head.
Not all of her recent escapades are bad... Maya is also trying really hard to learn how to walk. She already spends more awake time standing than she does sitting, now she wants to go mobile. We got her an early Christmas present, which will turn into a car scooter thinggy after she is a little bigger. She loves to play with all the little things on the front, and if we hold it still she can stand up and walk away with it. Here is yet another cell-phone video. She is gonna be into EVERYTHING soon!
She really is a stinker!We got so lucky to have her in our live!
We're not crazy, they really do get big too fast! Just wait until she's talking to you in full sentences and you'll wonder what the heck happened! *sigh*
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