We found out this morning that Himaya did not win the contest. She remains (in our opinion) the most kissable baby, but Eli Martin beat her out. He is a really cute kid, and I knew he would go far in the contest from the beginning. Congrats Eli... too bad for us though. We are now attempting to balance things out to decide if it may still be possible for us to go home to Wyoming for Christmas (at least gas is getting cheaper!) Thanks again to all who voted for her... we never could have made it as far as we did without your help.
You were robbed! But she is still incredibly kissable so give her a kiss for us please.
It would have been a great opportunity winning the contest, but, hey, at least now you don't have to worry about paying extra in taxes...
hi! thank you for the comments! Himaya is a jewel! I know you have to be so proud of her!
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