Himaya is fast approaching her 1st month birthday (wow... that was fast). In the last 3 1/2 weeks, as expected, I have learned a lot about being a parent. One of the most surprising things that recently come to my attention is the astounding quantity of money Em and I will spend on diapers throughout her life.

I know she needs changing no more than the average baby, but she has a knack for peeing and/or pooing only seconds after changing her. We try waiting a minute to make sure she is really done, but even that has fallen through. We are starting to feel like we are just wrapping her butt in dollar bills.
In other news... we have decided that she might have colic. We looked online and through a lot of books, and it describes pretty much what we are seeing about every night. It seems at times as though there is nothing we can do to console her, and she just screams her head off. We keep checking her diaper and trying to feed her, but nothing doing.

I am sure beyond a doubt that our neighbors hate us. Each night she will scream and scream... we are learning tricks to temporarily placate her. However, as soon as you stop the repeated shhh shhh shhh sounds or slow the bouncing/rocking, she starts right back up. After a few hours, she gets tired enough that she will fall asleep. According to all sources, it shouldn't last more than a few weeks to a few months... that makes for a pretty dim light at the end of the tunnel. For the mean time, we stopped by Babies R Us yesterday and bought her a bouncer. It plays music and vibrates... at times it's enough to keep her calm, but if she is already mad it does nothing to help the situation.