I have been chided by a few lately for my lack of new posts on this blog. I was really good about writing a few weeks ago, but lately I have let other things get in the way. After the second week, Himaya was up to 6lbs 5oz and she is growing right before our eyes. Emily and Maya had an appointment today and we found out that she is now up to 7lbs 10oz. Hew newborn clothes now actually fit her, which is nice. The next bit of news will temporarily fill most mothers with a slight sense of disgust and dislike for Emily. At todays appointment, the nurse weighed Em too and we found out that she is already back to her pre-pregnancy weight. Funny thing is... she wasn't even trying to lose the weight. Im jealous.

The past few weeks have been fantastic. First, we were lucky enough to have Emily's sister Sarah stay with us while Em recovered. After only a few days she left us with tons of advice, recipes and pictures. Thanks for your help and your sacrifice (leaving your family behind) while you were here Sarah.
Then Emily's mother Ann came to stay with us for about a week. Due to recent eye surgery, Ann was unable to fly, but thanks to her husband Tony she was able to come just the same. They drove here from Green River, Wyoming arriving on a Sunday night. The next morning, Tony flew

home to work out the week, and he returned Saturday to drive Ann home. The whole plan (to be quite honest) sounded ludicrous upon initial hatching, but the help it offered was soooo appreciated. so my next thanks go to Ann for all her help, advice and groceries; and to Tony for being such a nice guy.
The third wave of visitors only said a teary-eyed goodbye this morning. My parents flew in last Wednesday and spent a great week with our new little family. I felt bad for a while there, because they came as I started my finals. They were not only understanding, but they pushed me to

study. I had also left off writing a paper until only a few days before it was due... so like me, but not so smart to have procrastinated knowing what the end of this month would be like. My mom spent (who know how many) hours working on the dress for Himaya's blessing, and it was fantastic. Blessing dresses are supposed to be way too long (according to an unwritten rule) and this dress pulled it off nicely. She was beautiful. So my last thanks for now go out to my mom and dad; for making the dress, making the trip, putting up with my studying/procrastination, for all the restaurants and for the good company.
I understand that in the near future, Em's dad (Bob) will be coming for his turn to see us and to see his new grand-daughter. When he comes, I will be sure to get that up here too. I wanted to apologize again for falling down on the job (blog-wise) . I would make some promise to be better, but that would just end up being used as ammunition against me someday if I slack off again. Thanks for stopping by, and for caring about our family and I hope you have a great day!
I am thankful for all the help that they offered us but the biggest help so far has been you! I love you!
Yeah! You finally updated, I would be one of the ones with the "comments". The update is lovely, I love all of the pictures! I can't wait until I get to see Maya next, this time I will try my hardest to muster the courage to hold her!
Take care!
First of all I love this Blog I check it often I'm so excited to hear about whats going on with you and your family. I love the pic of you and your little girl. I know that your time is limited even more now but keep it up all of us here in Wyo love keeping up with our Ranch. Tell Emily Hi and give Himaya a kiss from her NOWCAP family. Miss Ya!!
sweet to see an update! She's getting so big! :)
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