Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Much Better

The doctor cleared Emily, and we left the hospital just after noon. They were still not able to determine what virus caused the meningitis, but they ruled out the ones that require long-term antibiotics. Emily Himaya and I are staying with her dad in Murray Utah for a few days until Em recovers. Thank you all again for your comments, thoughts and prayers... It meant a lot, and it made a difference. -Branch


Sammy said...

So glad Emily is doing better! She had us all VERY worried!! Have a GREAT Christmas!

Sammy said...
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Tara said...

I'm so glad she's out of the hospital for Christmas! I hope she feels great on Christmas morn!

Anonymous said...

Very good!

Anonymous said...

Read your article, if I just would say: very good, it is somewhat insufficient, but I am

still tempted to say: really good!
Personalized Signature:面对面视频游戏,本地棋牌游戏,本地方言玩游戏,打麻将,玩掼蛋,斗地主,炸金花,玩梭哈