Thursday, November 6, 2008


Wow... the contest is officially over (as far as the voting is concerned anyway). It seems like the contest took my blog hostage, but I can now move on. We will find out tomorrow whether or not Himaya won -keep your fingers crossed.

On to the question of the week, "What is on your 'bucket list'?"
There are a lot of things I want to do before I kick the bucket, only some of which is likely to actually happen. Here goes:
  • Skydiving (at least once)
  • World travel (specifically China, Italy, Scotland, Egypt, Africa, and return to the Philippines)
  • Invent something of consequence. I want a large population to want/buy whatever it is
  • Open my own prosthetics & orthotics practice (after I get some experience)
  • Learn to speak Spanish
  • Get in shape... and I don't mean round
  • Restore a classic car (Emily stole this one from me)
  • Convince English teachers that most books do not have symbolism, and are in fact just a story
  • Become a muti-millionaire, and use the money to help others
  • Go body surfing for hours in Maui again (this time WITH sunscreen)
Im sure I could come up with more, but 10 seemed like a nice round number. There are a lot of thing that would have been included in this list 10 years ago, but I have been fortunate enough to have checked them off. What do you want to do before you go?


Amanda said...

Hi Branch! I love your idea of convincing English teachers about symbolism. Stop by Mr. Germany's classroom! He is convinced there's loads of symbolism in anything by Steinbeck...I still want to read Grapes of Wrath and Of Mice and Men just for the sheer joy of reading the stories! :)

Nice bucket list! :)

Krystle Ricks said...

HAHA! Good point! Why do we have to find symbolism in everything? Sometimes... it just ruins the story. My friend is convinced that the musical "Hairspray" is solely about accepting Gay people. (She has her bachelor's in English haha) After hearing her reasoning, I can't look at that musical in the same light. Sheesh! Curse those English people!

Lynette said...

Once... I was an English major... but I quite being one, because I just wanted to read books and enjoy them, not eviscerate them.

I think that most of the time, it's just a story. I'm so with you on this.