Monday, November 3, 2008


Not that I doubted her ability to make it, I had just been trying to not get my hopes up. But she made it. PLEASE go vote for her each day. If you have more than one email address, erase the cookies between votes so you get more than one vote. Tell everyone you know to vote for Himaya, and tell them to tell everyone they know to vote for her too. This may seem over the top, but we would really like to be able to visit family for Christmas. Thank you all for your help so far, I appreciate it more than you will ever know. Have a great day, vote, and keep your finger crossed!


Unknown said...

Oooh your are devious! Erasing cookies and everything. I have to admit, though, that when I voted I actually looked at all the kids and some of the competition was pretty weak. (I mean to say that Himaya was really the cutest, not just a sympathy vote!)

Teri said...

Holy cow, I can't believe I ran into your blog during one of my 'whose on this person's blogroll?' episodes.
It is fun to get a peak into your life. I'll have to cast a vote for your little girl, even though I'm not sure what's going on.
Oh, your brother stayed at my house about a year ago...Just thought I'd mention that. ;)