All in all, things are definitely on the upswing around here. Even though Em and Maya are still in Wyoming, things are getting better. Emily had an appointment with her neurologist last Tuesday... they deemed her healthy and decided to start weaning her off the meds. I will be flying there a week from Friday for spring break, and they are coming home with me the next week. I sent my resume to quite a few places in Utah, a place in Idaho and another in Denver. I heard back from one practice in Salt Lake (Hanger prosthetics and orthotics) and I have an interview set up for the 10th... Im really excited, and I am hoping to hear back from other facilitiles this week. I really miss Em and Maya, s I can't wait to see them. Here are a few videos Em sent me of our little girl.
This is Maya's first Balloon ever
She loves suckers!
Just a video of her eating.